City Of Houston | City Of Houston website
City Of Houston | City Of Houston website
June 4, 2024 -- Mayor John Whitmire and the Memorial Heights TIRZ have reached a compromise on the design of the Shepherd Durham Phase II project that maintains the terms of the Federal Grant, preserves general mobility, and creates transportation options while enhancing drainage and wastewater infrastructure. This latest development was data-driven utilizing an updated traffic analysis and INRIX Trip Analytics.
"The Mayor appreciates the TIRZ providing additional data to move the project forward for the benefit of Houstonians."
The next step is for City Council to approve an interlocal agreement in the coming weeks. The project preserves the standard widths of general-purpose lanes on Shepherd and Durham, and the number and width of these lanes for two blocks of 11th Street. It also re-establishes four lanes on 11th Street for one block east of Shepherd while adding bike lanes and 6-foot-wide sidewalks for the entire project. Additionally, left turn lanes are strategically included at specific locations based on data analysis to improve traffic flow.